Unix Shell Guide

Much of Hadoop’s functionality is controlled via the shell. There are several ways to modify the default behavior of how these commands execute.

Important End-User Environment Variables

Hadoop has many environment variables that control various aspects of the software. (See hadoop-env.sh and related files.) Some of these environment variables are dedicated to helping end users manage their runtime.


This environment variable is used for almost all end-user operations. It can be used to set any Java options as well as any Hadoop options via a system property definition. For example:

HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS="-Xmx1g -Dhadoop.socks.server=localhost:4000" hadoop fs -ls /tmp

will increase the memory and send this command via a SOCKS proxy server.


The Hadoop scripts have the capability to inject more content into the classpath of the running command by setting this environment variable. It should be a colon delimited list of directories, files, or wildcard locations.

HADOOP_USER_CLASSPATH=${HOME}/lib/myjars/*.jar hadoop classpath

A user can provides hints to the location of the paths via the HADOOP_USER_CLASSPATH_FIRST variable. Setting this to any value will tell the system to try and push these paths near the front.

Auto-setting of Variables

If a user has a common set of settings, they can be put into the ${HOME}/.hadooprc file. This file is always read to initialize and override any variables that the user may want to customize. It uses bash syntax, similar to the .bashrc file:

For example:

# my custom Hadoop settings!


The .hadooprc file can also be used to extend functionality and teach Hadoop new tricks. For example, to run hadoop commands accessing the server referenced in the environment variable ${HADOOP_SERVER}, the following in the .hadooprc will do just that:

if [[ -n ${HADOOP_SERVER} ]]; then

Administrator Environment

There are many environment variables that impact how the system operates. By far, the most important are the series of _OPTS variables that control how daemons work. These variables should contain all of the relevant settings for those daemons.

More, detailed information is contained in hadoop-env.sh and the other env.sh files.

Advanced administrators may wish to supplement or do some platform-specific fixes to the existing scripts. In some systems, this means copying the errant script or creating a custom build with these changes. Hadoop provides the capabilities to do function overrides so that the existing code base may be changed in place without all of that work. Replacing functions is covered later under the Shell API documentation.

Developer and Advanced Administrator Environment

Shell Profiles

Apache Hadoop allows for third parties to easily add new features through a variety of pluggable interfaces. This includes a shell code subsystem that makes it easy to inject the necessary content into the base installation.

Core to this functionality is the concept of a shell profile. Shell profiles are shell snippets that can do things such as add jars to the classpath, configure Java system properties and more.

Shell profiles may be installed in either ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/shellprofile.d or ${HADOOP_PREFIX}/libexec/shellprofile.d. Shell profiles in the libexec directory are part of the base installation and cannot be overriden by the user. Shell profiles in the configuration directory may be ignored if the end user changes the configuration directory at runtime.

An example of a shell profile is in the libexec directory.

Shell API

Hadoop’s shell code has a function library that is open for administrators and developers to use to assist in their configuration and advanced feature management. These APIs follow the standard Hadoop Interface Classification, with one addition: Replaceable.

The shell code allows for core functions to be overridden. However, not all functions can be or are safe to be replaced. If a function is not safe to replace, it will have an attribute of Replaceable: No. If a function is safe to replace, it will have the attribute of Replaceable: Yes.

In order to replace a function, create a file called hadoop-user-functions.sh in the ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR} directory. Simply define the new, replacement function in this file and the system will pick it up automatically. There may be as many replacement functions as needed in this file. Examples of function replacement are in the hadoop-user-functions.sh.examples file.

Functions that are marked Public and Stable are safe to use in shell profiles as-is. Other functions may change in a minor release.