MapReduce Commands Guide


All mapreduce commands are invoked by the bin/mapred script. Running the mapred script without any arguments prints the description for all commands.


Hadoop has an option parsing framework that employs parsing generic options as well as running classes.

SHELL_OPTIONS The common set of shell options. These are documented on the Hadoop Commands Reference page.
GENERIC_OPTIONS The common set of options supported by multiple commands. See the Hadoop Commands Reference for more information.
COMMAND COMMAND_OPTIONS Various commands with their options are described in the following sections. The commands have been grouped into User Commands and Administration Commands.

User Commands

Commands useful for users of a hadoop cluster.


Creates a hadoop archive. More information can be found at Hadoop Archives Guide.


Usage: yarn classpath [--glob |--jar <path> |-h |--help]

--glob expand wildcards
--jar path write classpath as manifest in jar named path
-h, --help print help

Prints the class path needed to get the Hadoop jar and the required libraries. If called without arguments, then prints the classpath set up by the command scripts, which is likely to contain wildcards in the classpath entries. Additional options print the classpath after wildcard expansion or write the classpath into the manifest of a jar file. The latter is useful in environments where wildcards cannot be used and the expanded classpath exceeds the maximum supported command line length.


Copy file or directories recursively. More information can be found at Hadoop DistCp Guide.


Command to interact with Map Reduce Jobs.

Usage: mapred job | [GENERIC_OPTIONS] | [-submit <job-file>] | [-status <job-id>] | [-counter <job-id> <group-name> <counter-name>] | [-kill <job-id>] | [-events <job-id> <from-event-#> <#-of-events>] | [-history [all] <jobOutputDir>] | [-list [all]] | [-kill-task <task-id>] | [-fail-task <task-id>] | [-set-priority <job-id> <priority>]

-submit job-file Submits the job.
-status job-id Prints the map and reduce completion percentage and all job counters.
-counter job-id group-name counter-name Prints the counter value.
-kill job-id Kills the job.
-events job-id from-event-# #-of-events Prints the events’ details received by jobtracker for the given range.
-history [all]jobOutputDir Prints job details, failed and killed tip details. More details about the job such as successful tasks and task attempts made for each task can be viewed by specifying the [all] option.
-list [all] Displays jobs which are yet to complete. -list all displays all jobs.
-kill-task task-id Kills the task. Killed tasks are NOT counted against failed attempts.
-fail-task task-id Fails the task. Failed tasks are counted against failed attempts.
-set-priority job-id priority Changes the priority of the job. Allowed priority values are VERY_HIGH, HIGH, NORMAL, LOW, VERY_LOW


Runs a pipes job.

Usage: mapred pipes [-conf <path>] [-jobconf <key=value>, <key=value>, ...] [-input <path>] [-output <path>] [-jar <jar file>] [-inputformat <class>] [-map <class>] [-partitioner <class>] [-reduce <class>] [-writer <class>] [-program <executable>] [-reduces <num>]

-conf path Configuration for job
-jobconf key=value, key=value, … Add/override configuration for job
-input path Input directory
-output path Output directory
-jar jar file Jar filename
-inputformat class InputFormat class
-map class Java Map class
-partitioner class Java Partitioner
-reduce class Java Reduce class
-writer class Java RecordWriter
-program executable Executable URI
-reduces num Number of reduces


command to interact and view Job Queue information

Usage: mapred queue [-list] | [-info <job-queue-name> [-showJobs]] | [-showacls]

-list Gets list of Job Queues configured in the system. Along with scheduling information associated with the job queues.
-info job-queue-name [-showJobs] Displays the job queue information and associated scheduling information of particular job queue. If -showJobs options is present a list of jobs submitted to the particular job queue is displayed.
-showacls Displays the queue name and associated queue operations allowed for the current user. The list consists of only those queues to which the user has access.


Prints the version.

Usage: mapred version

Administration Commands

Commands useful for administrators of a hadoop cluster.


Start JobHistoryServer.

Usage: mapred historyserver


Runs a MapReduce hsadmin client for execute JobHistoryServer administrative commands.

Usage: mapred hsadmin [-refreshUserToGroupsMappings] | [-refreshSuperUserGroupsConfiguration] | [-refreshAdminAcls] | [-refreshLoadedJobCache] | [-refreshLogRetentionSettings] | [-refreshJobRetentionSettings] | [-getGroups [username]] | [-help [cmd]]

-refreshUserToGroupsMappings Refresh user-to-groups mappings
-refreshSuperUserGroupsConfiguration Refresh superuser proxy groups mappings
-refreshAdminAcls Refresh acls for administration of Job history server
-refreshLoadedJobCache Refresh loaded job cache of Job history server
-refreshJobRetentionSettings Refresh job history period, job cleaner settings
-refreshLogRetentionSettings Refresh log retention period and log retention check interval
-getGroups [username] Get the groups which given user belongs to
-help [cmd] Displays help for the given command or all commands if none is specified.